Five things you should handover to an Admin Support
Why are you spending your time slaving over admin tasks, when you should be really focusing on running your business?
The most sensible approach is to outsource your weaknesses, and all too often administration is the most frustrating and tedious of business tasks. For an hourly or daily fee you can outsource many of your time-consuming tasks to an admin support assistance who will gladly take this off your hands. At the same time, a huge weight can be lifted from your shoulders as you turn your attention to making your business more successful.
- Invoices and receipts
If you’re the person who has a wallet that is bursting at the seams with dinner receipts, or a cardboard box in the corner of your office that is overflowing, then you clearly need to outsource this responsibility, rather than just staring at the pile and wishing it would go away.
- Data entry
You’ve returned from another successful networking event, with a clutch full of business cards and some great conversations that could turn in to opportunities. You then put the cards in a drawer, and forget about them until the next time you put more cards in the same drawer.
Hand over your cards to and admin supporter and they’ll ensure that your cards and contacts are updated onto the CRM, and you’ll have all of this valuable data to hand enabling you follow up leads and opportunities.
- Managing Email and Calendars
Is your inbox overflowing with thousands of messages “marked as unread”?
You’re unable to find that email from an urgent customer inquiry, and you end up frantically scrolling upwards and downwards trying to locate it.
You suddenly get a call reminding you of a client meeting at the local café, and it’s in five minutes!!!
Admin support can help manage your schedule and events, and makes sure that that it’s all input into your digital calendar. Next time round, the first reminder you get is your phone alerting you to the meeting at 10am tomorrow.
- Travel Planning
You’ve just got off the phone to your business partner in Beijing and they need you onsite early next week. In the meantime, you’ve got to prepare for this meeting. Who’s going to arrange your flights, hotel and taxis at both ends, as well as organise your visa?
Admin support will gladly take this overhead off your hands and ensure everything runs like clockwork, so you can focus on getting prepared.
- Meetings and Events
Your company has had one of it’s most successful years since opening. It’s now May, you’ve got a big pot of cash set to one side to reward your hard working staff with an End Of Financial Year Party, but you haven’t even thought about a venue, entertainment or catering. When you call your loyal admin support, they will do the research, present the options, make the booking, and ensure you have a fantastic party for your team on time and on budget.